Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

Department of Modern Languages and Literatures



Overview :
The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures was established in 1969/1970 under the name of English Department, as the first department established in the faculty of Arts and Humanities where it used to award at that time BA in English only. In 1982/1983, a French Language Programme was launched and subsequently the name of the department was changed from English Department to the Department of European Languages and Literatures. The department had since then awarded a BA Degree in both languages English and French for both (regular and external students). As time passes, the department had acquired a large experience which enabled it to launch an MA Programme in both Linguistics and Literature (English) based on thesis in 1988. This programme was developed by adding another MA type based on courses and research project in 2005. Through this period of time of dealing with graduate studies, which exceeded 30 years, the department was able to create a solid academic foundation based on a group of specialist professors in the sciences specific to the European Languages who are of different academic ranks and have experience in orgnising graduate programmes on both academic as well as supervisory levels.
Recently, In 2019, all the department’s plans were updated to run in line with the Kingdom’s 2030 vision. Also, a BA Programme in Chinese was launched to run in line with Kingdom’s inclinations to enhance relations between China and Saudi Arabia as the Chinese language is considered one of the most important languages in the world. Furthermore, based on the recommendations made by the Department Council, Faculty Council and University Council, the name of the Department of European Languages and Literature has been modified to be the Department of Modern Languages and Literature and the modified name has been approved by the Council of the Universities’ Affairs. In addition, a new interdisciplinary track titled: (Linguistics and Translation), which is part of the BA Programme in English has been recently launched. Also, the Programme in French has been changed to be the Programme in French and Translation.

Vision :
To be a leading department in teaching foreign languages, literature and translation that contributes to advancing the university's ranking and achieving of the Kingdom's vision.

Mission :
 To qualify academically, scientifically, and professionally distinguished graduates through high quality programs to enable them to serve the community and engage in the labor market

Values :
Pioneer - Excellence - Responsibility– Ambition- Proficiency and Quality - Cooperation & Participation - Effective Communication

Objectives :
1. Improving and developing all academic programs to be appealing and sustainable in line with both the university and of the Ministry of education visions.
2. Providing a university experience that focuses on developing the abilities and skills required for the labor market.
3. Boosting the research productivity of the department members in group and individually as well as improving the research quality and developing the researchers.
4. Building bridges of scientific and cultural communication with the community and the private sector.
5. Developing administrative and academic work according to the highest standards of quality, efficiency, transparency and professionalism.

Connecting to the faculty, the university and the Ministry of education objectives and mission :
The department is related to the faculty objectives and mission through academic and research programmes, in addition to qualifying different competent students to contribute to the development of society.

Alignment of the vision and mission

Job opportunities for department graduates :
 1. Teaching: To teach in the university (e.g., teaching assistant or Lecturers after pursuing graduate studies) or to teach English as a foreign language in government and private schools.
2. Translation, Interpreting, or Subtitling: To work in translation using English/French/ Chinese and Arabic.
3. Media: To work in broadcasting, journalism, or television.
4. Creative Writing: To work in the field of content creation.
5. Information Technology: To contribute to the development of computer learning programs.
6. Tourism and Culture: To work in the field of tourism.
7. Administration: To work in different government sectors.
8. Miscellaneous: To work in other domains that require proficiency in the English language (e.g., Media, Language instruction, Sales, Customer Service).



Department of Modern Languages and Literatures




Department Chair :

Dr. Abdulrahman Adulaziz Alqurashi

Associate Professor of Linguistics
Telephone: 00966126952632


Vice Chair :

Dr. Salha A. Alqhtani
Assistant Professor of Linguistics (French)
Telephone: 0126400000 Ext.63531


( Administrative Assistants )

Telephone: 0126400000 Ext.











برنامج بكالوريوس اللغة الإنجليزية :

رسالة البرنامج :

إعداد كفاءات مؤهلة علميًا ومهنيًا في دراسات اللغة الإنجليزية، وتمكينها من الانخراط في سوق العمل.

أهداف البرنامج :

يسعى برنامج اللغة الإنجليزية إلى :
1. زيادة الكفاءة اللغوية والأدبية للطلاب والطالبات في علم اللغة والأدب الإنجليزي ودراسات الترجمة.
2. تعزيز مهارات التفكير النقدي والإبداعي من خلال تفسير البيانات اللغوية، والنصوص الأدبية والمترجمة.
3. تعميق الفهم الثقافي والحضاري اللازم للتواصل مع الثقافات العالمية المتنوعة.
4. تخريج كفاءات مدعمة بالمعرفة الأكاديمية ومهارات اللغة الإنجليزية لمواكبة احتياجات سوق العمل المتجددة.

الفرص الوظيفية لخريجي البرنامج :

هناك فرص وظيفية متعددة لخريجي برنامج اللغة الإنجليزية في مؤسسات المجتمع المدني والقطاع الحكومي والخاص من أهمها :
1. تدريس اللغات الإنجليزية في التعليم العام والتعليم الجامعي بعد مواصلة الدراسات العليا.
2. العمل في مجال الترجمة التحريرية والترجمة الشفهية.
3. العمل في مجال الإعلام : مذيع أو صحفي.
4. العمل في مجال صناعة المحتوى.
5. العمل في مجال الإرشاد السياحي والديني.
6. العمل في مجال النشر والتوزيع :التدقيق اللغوي وتحرير المنشورات والكتب
7. المهن الأخرى التي تستقبل خريجي اللغة الإنجليزية بعد الخضوع للتدريب: إدارة عامة -مبيعات-العلاقات العامة- القطاع المصرفي- الممثليات والملحقيات الخارجية.




Faculty of Arts - Guidance and Counselling Services.pdf
KAU Academic Advising(1).pdf
KAU Academic Advising.pdf
KAU Banner System.pdf
KAU Directory of Electronic Academic Services (ODUS).pdf
KAU Library User Manual.pdf
KAU Guide to Organizing Care and Quarantine Operations _compressed.pdf
KAU Occupational Safety and Health Administration.pdf
KAU Policies and Procedures for Recruitment and Promotions .pdf
KAU Procedural Guide for Heads and Supervisors of Scientific Departments.pdf
KAU Procedural Guide for Non-Saudi Academics.pdf
KAU Student Rights and Responsibilities.pdf
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia_ Regulations for Human Resources in the Civil Service .pdf
Faculty of Arts - Complaints and Grievances.pdf
KAU Procedures of Complaints and Grievances .pdf
ELAN 449 Practicum 449 Course Specifications Linguistics Track-Eng.pdf
Internship Forms and Procedures.pdf





The department pays great attention to extracurricular activities, which is evident in the presence of three student clubs:

1. The Scientific Club was established on 5/23/1432 AH
2. Linguistics, Translation and Culture Club, which was established on: 8/24/1443 AH
3. Theater and Arts Club, which was established on: 7/7/1444 AH

To contact the student activity coordinators:

Dr.. Amal bint Muhammad Shuaib

a. Raed Al Jabri


Student guide to central university activities and services



Male section :

KAU, Main Campus, Building 112, 4th floor
Telephone: 0126952632
P.O. Box: 80202, Jeddah 21589




Female Section :

KAU, Main Campus, Building 56, First floor (Office No :145, 136)
Telephone: 0126400000 Ext.63531






Access map

Male section




Female Section





Last Update
2/11/2024 11:19:47 AM